The Merzbau Podcast
The Merzbau Podcast
EPISODE 6: Alex Weiser on Fra Angelico's 'The Last Judgement'
For our final episode of Season 1, Brigid speaks with the composer and dear friend-of-the-Merz-Trio, Alex Weiser. Alex introduces us to a painting by the 15th century Florentine artist and monk Fra Angelico, and speaks eloquently about his experience of encountering the painting recently in real life, as well as the particular detail that caught his eye. The conversation also takes in the importance of creative quiet space, the dynamic interplay between text and music in Alex's work and Alex's galvanizing approach to programming. As a bonus, we're also invited into a recent collaboration between Alex and the Merz Trio, in a discussion of the production of Alex's forthcoming album of song cycles. All in all, it's a heartening and inspiring conversation, and we're delighted to share Alex's insights with you!
Works mentioned in this episode:
Fra Angelico: The Last Judgement
For more on Alex Weiser: https://alexweiser.com
Music featured in this episode:
Alex Weiser, And All The Days Were Purple, 2019, I. My Joy; II. - ; VI. Lines for Winter, performed by Eliza Bagg, Lee Dionne, Michael Compitello, Maya Bennardo, Hannah Levinson, Hannah Collins
Theme music:
Zortziko by Lee Dionne, from the Merz Trio's 2021 album INK
Design: Lara Juriansz
Produced and recorded by Brigid Coleridge. Technical assistance by Melissa May.
For more on the Merzbau Podcast:
Website: www.merztrio/merzbaupodcast
Instagram: @merzbaupod
For more on the Merz Trio:
Website: www.merztrio.com
Instagram: @merztrio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MerzTrio/